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We were taught to do some deep work and cause pretty intense pain and then to do some feel good strokes in the same area to make it feel better, as you know, pleasure travels on thicker faster nerves and overrides the pain we just caused. 

This pain we caused was a level 7 or 8 on a 1 to 10 scale. I hated it! I like to work at level 5, the way I describe a 5 is: you can feel me there and it may be a little sore, it may even be good and sore, as in 'Hurt So Good' where it feels like it's working something out and the notion of 'good' is prevalent in the thought process ,  6 is: okay that kinda hurts, 7 is: when you have to tense up your muscles just to bear what the therapist is doing.

In my 23 years doing massage and 16 years teaching massage, I learned that working in  pressure in the level of 5 is all we need to get great results and your clients get to enjoy their massage too. 

But don't take it from me! Look us up online and read my reviews! I've been working out of the same location for 18 years on Fort Myers Beach. Armando's Day Spa... I also posted a reviews page on this site for your convenience. 

Bobby Armando Mimmo, Owner Armando's Day Spa est: 2000